The Ultimate Guide to European E-Bike Laws

The Ultimate Guide to European E-Bike Laws

With the growing popularity of e-bikes around the world, all European enthusiasts should be aware of European e-bike laws!

E-bikes offer a solution to two of the biggest problems facing humanity today: rapid urbanisation and climate change. Not only do e-bikes help you cope with traffic congestion, they are also very environmentally friendly.

Different countries have different laws regarding the use of e-bikes. Some places are very lenient and welcoming, but others have strict requirements. The European Union is one example.

For more information on European e-bike laws, here is your ultimate guide!

What is an e-bike? - The European Definition

Not only do the laws governing e-bikes vary around the world, but so do the definitions of what constitutes an e-bike. According to the EU Directive 2002/24EC, an EPAC (Electrically Powered Assisted Cycle) must fulfil the following requirements:

Be equipped with an auxiliary motor whose continuous power does not exceed 250 watts.
The assistance of the motor is gradually cut off when the rider reaches a speed of 25 km/h or stops pedalling.
In essence, no type approval is required for any e-bike that meets the above description. As with all EU Directives, Member States should implement these requirements by incorporating them into national legislation.

Another noteworthy detail is that in 2016, the above Directive was repealed by Regulation 168/2013. However, the changes made were not significant and the definitions remained largely unchanged.

Having learnt about the EU definition of an e-bike, it's now time to look at the different categories of e-bikes in European countries.

E-Bike Classification in the EU

While there may be historical controversy about who actually invented the first human-powered bicycle, most people believe it was invented in Europe. Since that time, many advances have been made in the e-bike industry, which is all the more reason to categorise e-bikes into different categories.

There are four technological classes of e-bikes in Europe, and Europe has different laws for the different categories. Let's take a look at what they are.

Firstly, there are L1e-A e-bikes. These bikes can have a maximum motor power output of up to 1,000 watts and a top speed of up to 25 km/h. L1e-A vehicles have pedal and throttle assistance. In addition, they can have two to four wheels and are called power bikes.

Next are the L1e-B vehicles. These electric bicycles have a maximum power rating of 4,000 watts, while their maximum permissible speed is 45 km/h. L1e-B bicycles or mopeds have only pedal assistance and a maximum of 2 wheels.

The last two classes are L2e and L6e. L2e and L1e-B bicycles are distinguished by the fact that the former can have up to 3 wheels, hence the name 3-wheeled moped. Similarly, L6e vehicles or light quadricycles have a total of four wheels. The rest of the specifications (e.g. maximum power and maximum speed) are the same.

In short, the EU proposes to categorise e-bikes into four classes. As a result, each class in Europe has its own e-bike laws that are enforced in EU member states.

National Requirements for European Countries

The e-bike regulations set by European countries are as follows.

1. E-bike regulations in Belgium

Belgian legislation has two laws on e-bikes. These laws further divide the general term ‘e-bike’ into three sub-categories. These are as follows.

E-bikes may be ridden by persons of all ages, provided that they have a maximum rated power of 250 watts and a maximum speed of 25 km/hour. These bicycles are referred to as ‘e-bikes’.
Citizens aged 16 and over may ride motorised bicycles with a power rating of 1,000 watts and a maximum speed of 25 km/h, provided they have a certificate of conformity. Helmets are not compulsory.
‘High-speed motorized bicycles’ are motorized bicycles with a maximum power of 4,000 watts and a maximum speed of 45 km/h. They are classified as mopeds. They are classified as mopeds and the same requirements apply. 2.

2. Danish e-bike legislation

The Danish Parliament has officially approved the use of high-speed e-bikes on cycle paths. A high-speed e-bike is an e-bike with a maximum assisted speed of 45 km/h.

In July 2018, the government decided that superbike riders only need to wear helmets and must be at least 15 years old. In addition, licence plate and driving licence requirements no longer apply.

3 E-bike regulations in Finland

Finnish law regulates the use of e-bikes by limiting the maximum speed and motor power to 25 km/h and 250 watts respectively.

In addition, the motor shall not replace pedalling but shall only assist the rider in pedalling. In addition, the insurance law requires that motors rated between 250 and 1,000 watts must comply with the insurance law.

The EU regulation classifies these high-powered bicycles as motorised bicycles of class L1e-A. These bicycles must also not exceed a speed of 25 km/h and must be insured for travelling on public roads.

In addition, L1e-A motorised bicycles assist the rider without requiring them to pedal. If you own a 250 W e-bike that assists the rider without pedalling, it will be classified as an L1e-A vehicle. 4.

4. E-bike legislation in Latvia

Latvia's laws on e-bikes are very loose. There are no major requirements except that the power rating of an e-bike must not exceed 250 W. The Latvian Road Traffic Law defines an e-bike as a motorised vehicle with a power rating of 250 W.

The Latvian Road Traffic Law defines an e-bike as a human-operated vehicle assisted by an electric motor.

5. Norwegian e-bike legislation

Norway also does not have many additional regulations on the use of e-bikes. However, there are some important regulations for manufacturers.

The Norwegian Vehicle Code classifies e-bikes as ordinary bicycles, for which no driver's licence is required.

The motor power of an e-bike must not exceed 250 watts, and the assisted speed of an e-bike must not exceed 20 kilometres per hour.

The motor power must be gradually reduced as the bicycle reaches the prescribed maximum speed. However, once the motor assistance is cut off, the e-bike is only subject to the regular speed limit.

6. Swedish e-bike regulations

Similar to other e-bike regulations in Europe, Sweden applies the regular bicycle regulations to e-bikes, as long as their nominal motor power does not exceed 250W and the engine no longer supports the rider once the speed reaches 25 km/h.

All these requirements are described in the Swedish Vehicle Code.

7. Swiss e-bike regulations

Switzerland, which is not part of the EU, has very different laws for e-bikes.

For example, Switzerland has paved the way for the liberalisation of the use of high-speed e-bikes. Switzerland has simplified the process of applying for a driver's licence for e-bikes with a maximum speed of more than 45 km/h. This is in contrast to other e-bike regulations in Europe. This is very different from other e-bike regulations in Europe and is an alternative to 25 km/h e-bikes.

In 2012, Switzerland updated its e-bike regulations. Since then, electrically assisted bicycles are classified as ‘light e-bikes’ as long as they have a maximum power output of less than 500 watts.

These bikes have a maximum permissible speed of 25 km/h if the rider pedals, whereas the engine alone can only help the rider reach 20 km/h. 8.

8. E-bike legislation in Turkey

Although Turkey is not fully integrated into Europe and is not part of the European Union, it is worth mentioning because part of its territory is located on a European peninsula.

Turkey also classifies e-bikes as ordinary bicycles, but the motor of an e-bike can only have a maximum power of 250 W and cuts off the auxiliary at a speed of 25 km/h. In addition, if the rider stops pedalling, the motor should stop providing assistance to the rider.

In addition, if the rider stops pedalling, the motor should also stop supporting him. E-bikes do not require a licence or insurance and many Turkish cities encourage the use of e-bikes as a solution to traffic and environmental problems.

9. E-bike regulations in the UK

E-bike regulations in the UK are not very different from those in the rest of Europe. The maximum speed must not exceed 25 km/h and the motor power must not exceed 250 watts.

In addition, the maximum weight of the bicycle must not exceed 30kg. In addition, you must be at least 14 years old to ride an e-bike legally.

10. E-bike regulations in Russia

We report on Russia for the same reasons we report on Turkey!

Russia gives e-bike riders a lot of freedom. The only major restriction is the maximum motor power of 250 watts.

Other than that, riders are free to drive their e-bikes on cycle paths and cycle tracks. Without these two options, it is possible to ride on pavements and footpaths.

11. German e-bike regulations

Over the years, Germany has taken several initiatives towards the realisation of e-mobility.

E-bikes belong to the category of personal light electric vehicles. The maximum speed limit for e-bikes is 20 km/h, but you can go faster if you wear a helmet.

Insurance and a licence plate are required. The maximum motor power of an e-bike is 500 watts. In addition, e-bike riders must use cycle lanes, unless there are no cycle lanes, in which case they are allowed to ride on the road.

12. E-bike regulations in France

The legal maximum assisted speed for e-bikes in France is 25 km/h. There is another special type of e-bike, called a high-speed electric assisted vehicle, which can reach a maximum speed of 45 km/hour.

Overall, the legal technicalities of owning and using an e-bike in France are quite complex. You will also have to show your tax certificate and make sure that the e-bike manufacturer is located in Europe.

13. E-bike regulations in Italy

Italy allows e-bikes to be driven on main roads at a speed of no more than 25 km/h and on pavements at a speed of no more than 6 km/h. The maximum permitted power output of the motor is 500 kW. The maximum permissible power output of the motor is 500 W. The motor is designed to operate at a maximum speed of 25 kilometres per hour.

You must be at least 14 years old to ride an e-bike, and riders between the ages of 14 and 18 must wear a helmet. No driving licence or insurance is required.

14. E-bike laws in Spain

Like most of the other countries on this list, Spain's law sets the maximum speed for e-bikes at 25 km/h and the maximum motor power at 250 watts. Riders are not permitted to drive e-bikes on pavements and will be fined if found doing so.

You must also have a circulation certificate from the e-bike manufacturer. A driving licence or insurance is not compulsory.

Finally, the authorities encourage the wearing of helmets - although this is not compulsory. Wearing a reflective vest to protect yourself on the road is the same practice.

15. Electric Bicycle Regulations in Ireland

Currently, the Irish government has not officially regulated the use of e-bikes, but the Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, has made a statement.

The forthcoming e-bike regulations may not have any insurance or licensing requirements. However, the recommended minimum age is 16, and helmets will be mandatory for 16-18 year olds.

In addition, riding on pavements is completely prohibited and the maximum engine-assisted speed is set at 25 km/h. In short, Ireland will soon have a new legal framework specifically regulating the use of e-bikes and e-scooters.

16. Austrian e-bike law

Austrian law has a special definition of an e-bike and the same law applies to e-bikes as long as they fit the description. The electric motor must provide assistance to the rider until a speed of 25 km/h is reached.

Helmets and insurance are not mandatory. Therefore, most of the e-bike regulations in Europe are the same as in Austria.

General e-bike rules in Europe

Having learned how different European countries deal with e-bikes, here is an overview of general good behaviour for e-bike riders.

Keep to the right side of the road, preferably the carriageway or cycle lane (if there is one). Keeping to the left is mandatory in the UK or Ireland.
Use hand signals to signal turns to other vehicles.
Always keep at least one hand on the handlebars.
Use cycle lanes if they exist. If there are none, there must be designated laws in your country/region that dictate where you should ride.
Do not push or drag any objects with your e-bike.
If you push your e-bike on foot, you are a pedestrian. This means you can use the pavement when you need to.


In this guide, we've tried to give a brief overview of everything you need to know about e-bike laws in Europe - including what counts as an e-bike, what the different categories of e-bikes are, the different national requirements, and some of the good behaviour regulations.

We hope you find this article helpful! Check out our range of e-bikes here.

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